Project: Long Term Service Agreement
Scope: Performing field service activities of Senior Orifice Fittings 30” x 3 Stream at MS1, 24”x 3 Stream at MS2 and 18” x 2 Stream at MS3
– Execution of orifice dismantling / assembling /certification and all repair activities (every 3 months)
– On-call support services (telecon, e-mail, etc. within 8 hours)
– Emergency support services at site(within 24 hours)
Customer: Emerson Automation Solutions
End User: Tanap
Successful works comes through planned and well prepared
engineering process.
Has 20 years of industry experience in oil and gas industry and worked with major Power, Refining, Oil & Gas and Chemical Companies. We are specialized in Engineering, Design, Procurement, Project Management, Manufacturing and Field Services of Process Automation, Instrumentation and Equipments including Tank Terminal Automation, Tank Gauging Systems, Flow Metering Systems and associated Pressure Vessels.
“Due to perform all related works in-house, we have the flexibility to customise any solution to fit our customer’s requirements.”


Toros Terminal
Project: Truck Loading Skids
Scope: Engineering, Design, Fabrication and Tests of 11 x Truck Loading Skids includes all mecahnical and electrical installation Works.
– 10 x 2 Stream, 1 x 1 Stream Metering Skid,
– 21 x 3” Class 150 Micro Motion Coriolis Meter, Rosemount Pressure and Temeperature Transmitters, Digital Control Valves, Termal Relief Valves and Strainers.
– 21 x DL8000 Preset Controller,
Customer: Emerson Automation Solutions
End User: Toros Terminal

Project: Tank Gauging System Project
Scope: Engineering, Project Management and Commissioning of Fully Redundant SIL2 Rated 2oo1 Tank Gauging System with Wireless Communication options for Total 132 Tanks.
– Redundant TankMaster Server + 4 Clients,
– 5 Field Cabinets includes redundant Systems Hubs, 1420 Wireless Gateways, Cisco Switches
– 132 Pcs Radar Level Gauges, Tank Hubs, MTT and Tempereture Sensors,
Customer: Emerson
End User: Tüpraş
We have many years of experience in designing, manufacturing and commissioning of flow metering, sampling and terminal automation systems both for custody transfer and process applications.

“By making the necessary calculations, we manufacture or supply the most suitable products for your needs.”